\[ C_{pri} = m_e + m_a * s_a + \sum_{i = 0}^{\#lights} a * SpotlightLut[d_0] * f_i * o * (m^{(a)} * l_i^{(a)} + m^{(d)} * l_i^{(d)} * (L_i \cdot N)) \] \[ C_{sec} = \sum_{i = 0}^{\#lights} a * SpotlightLut[d_0] * f_i * o * (m^{(s)}LutD_0[d_1]*G_i^{(0)} + ReflectionLutsRGB[d_2]*LutD_1[d_3]*G_i^{(1)})*l_i^{(s)} \] \[ C_{alpha} = FresnelLut[d_4] \] Outputs: * $C_{pri}$ - GPU primary color * $C_{sec}$ - GPU secondary color * $C_{alpha}$ - Primary and/or secondary alpha, target is selectable (fresnel alpha pri / sec) Inputs, per-fragment: * $N$ - Interpolated normal * $V$ - View direction vector (fragment <-> camera) * $T$ - Tangent direction vector * $a$ - Distance attenuation factor. I am not sure how that one works. It maybe goes through a LUT also. Inputs, per-pass: * $d_{0...4}$ - Selectable LUT inputs - one of the following: $N \cdot H$, $V \cdot H_i$, $N \cdot V$, $L_i \cdot N$, $-L_i \cdot P$, $\cos \phi_i$. * $s^{(a)}$ - Scene ambient color * $o$ - Shadow attenuation from the shadow map (if there is one) Inputs, per-material: * $m^{(e)}$ - Material emission color * $m^{(a)}$ - Material ambient color * $m^{(d)}$ - Material diffuse color * $m^{(s)}$ - Material specular color Inputs, Per-Light: * $P_i$ - Spotlight direction * $L_i$ - Light direction vector (fragment <-> light) * $H_i$ - Half-vector between $L$ and $V$ * $\phi_i$ - Angle between the projection of $H_i$ into the tangent plane and $T$ * $f_i$ - 0 if $N \cdot L < 0$ and negative lighting = false, otherwise 1 * $l_i^{(a)}$ - Light ambient color * $l_i^{(d)}$ - Light diffuse color * $l_i^{(s)}$ - Light specular color * $G_i^{(0)}, G_i^{(1)}$ - Cook-Torrance geometric factor, or 1 when disabled
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Sun, 22 Jul 2018 16:38 GMT